
Welcome to BrainyBeam Info-Tech! We create high quality products that will make your life better.



Payment: The Internship shall not be delivered to the Student unless the Student makes the payment of the purchase of Internship Program. In making available any of the payment methods on the website, BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt LTD will not be responsible or assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or indirectly because of: 1. Lack of authorization for any transactions, or 2. Exceeding the preset limit offered by participating banks, or 3. Any payment failure arising out of the transaction, or 4. Decline of transaction for any other reasons


The Student understands and agrees that the offer for sale of the Internship Program by BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt LTD is not an absolute or an unconditional offer. Such offer to involve by BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt LTD is subject to repudiation by BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt LTD at any time before the delivery of the Internship Program to the Student, without any obligation to assign or provide any reason for such repudiation, and without any consent from the Student, and without any liability or any obligation towards the Student.

Set-off: In case the Student has availed any benefit in relation to the Internship Program for which the Program has been cancelled by the Student, he/she agrees and authorizes BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt LTD to recover such benefits from the Student or set-off the same from any refunds to the Student

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