smartphone cloud
Android Development

Convert your ideas with Android app! We have highly qualified and experienced team of Android apps development. We have worked on wide range of customised and user friendly apps.

smartphone cloud
iOS Development

Convert your ideas with iOS app! We have elegant team to develop iPhone, iPad, iWatch applications. Our team is capable to work with wide range of customised and user friendly apps.

smartphone cloud
IoT Development

We have elegant team for IoT Development including apps and hardware. We are working on IOT since 2014. Device to device connectivity (Internet of Things) is currently revolutionizing the world.

smartphone cloud
Windows Development

We have experienced small team for Windows development. We deal with Windows desktop, tablet and phone application development. We are working with latest technologies like XAML and AWT.

smartphone cloud
Web Development

We have highly skilled team of web and eCommerce developers. We work with latest technologies like Core PHP, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, AngularJS, ROR, Html 5, .NET and Java.

smartphone cloud
Enterprise Solutions

Our team has good understanding of marketplace and enterprise. We never miss our deadline and our team never compromise on our standards to achieve best quality of work.

How the BrainyBeam Info-Tech works

BrainyBeam Info-Tech Pvt Ltd is established in 2009-10. We believe to work with less but highly qualified and experienced developers. We have small team of 80+ developers. We follow standard software development process. We are well known for On time delivery of high quality and secure products.

We follow standard software development process. We are well known for On time delivery of high quality and secure products. We implement standard security protocols for software development.

Why Choose Us
Requirement Analysis

This is first and important stage of software development. Our team of experts gather all requirements on-site/off-site with documentation.

Prototype (Design)

Our experienced team prepare proof of concept with screen/page designing. After approval of design & prototype we start development.


We have highly experienced team of developers for mobile apps, web, enterprise and cloud management to develop quality product.

Testing (QA)

Our QA team use black box and white box testing mechanism to ensure high quality product. We implement module and full testing.


On time delivery of high quality product is our responsibility. Our first delivery of products are nearly bug free and secure.


We are responsible for long term maintenance. We don't charge extra for small changes in product and work free on bugs in product.

Yr +
Countries Served

Choose work model you really need!

Fixed Cost Work

We work on fixed cost model. We provide fixed cost of your project for entire development life cycle.

We prepare Requirement Specification Doc with total cost of project.

Hour Based Work

We have highly qualified and experienced team to work on your project on hour-based costing.

We prepare Requirement Specification Doc with estimated hours of project.

Dedicated Hire

We let you choose high experienced developers to hire dedicated on months or weeks basis.

You can hire dedicated developers and we are responsible for your work.

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